Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University’s School of Nursing celebrates its first capping, pinning and candle lighting ceremony on 19 March 2023 at the conference hall of Phitayapat Building at STOU Nonthaburi. Asst. Prof. Dr. Premruetai Noimuenwai, Dean of the School of Nursing presided over as the chair of the ceremony. There were 73 out of 306 students joined the ceremony.
The capping and pinning ceremony marks an important milestone for nursing students who finished their basic courses and are ready for clinical practice. The ceremony promotes the value of professional pride, and a positive attitude toward the nursing profession and their home institution, where the nursing students’ working morality, ethics, and culture were cultivated.
The candle lighting ceremony was done to commemorate the dedication of Florence Nightingale and to symbolize the student nurses’ acceptance of the challenges of the nursing profession.
Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University has offered nursing programs since 1984. There are currently 3 programs including Bachelor of Nursing Science, Master of Nursing Science in Nursing Administration, and Master of Nursing Science in Community Nurse Practitioner.