Assoc. Prof. Dr. Manit Jumpa, Distinguished Member of the University Council, Acting President of Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University (STOU) led the administration delegates to join the 36th Asian Association of Open Universities Annual Conference (AAOU 2023) which was held under the theme “The Future of Open Universities in the Age of Digitalized Higher Education.” The conference was held in Istanbul, Turkiye, by Anadolu University. During 28-30 September 2023.
The delegates included (1) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Narathip Sriram, Acting Vice-President for Education and Learning Support, (2) Asst. Prof. Dr. Phanompatt Smitananda, Acting Vice-President for Human Resources, Research, and General Administration, (3) Asst. Prof. Dr. Gan Chanyawudhiwan, Acting Vice-President for Academic Services, Cultural Preservation and International Affairs, and (4) Mrs. Rattip Phukkeson, Acting Director of the Department of International Affairs.
The aim of the AAOU 2023 is to provide a platform for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss a broad range of topics related to open and distance learning. Sub-themes and topics are as follows:
- Re-considering the roles of open universities
- The effects of Covid-19 period on open and distance learning practices
- Management of ODL
- Innovative delivery modes
- Online assessment and evaluation
- New pedagogical approaches
- Learner support systems
- Increasing access and quality in ODL
In the Closing Ceremony of the AAOU Secretariat meeting, there was a tribute to Prof. Wichit Srisa-an, who was the first President of AAOU, on the occasion of his passing.