29 June 2022 – Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University (STOU) donated discarded lottery tickets to Wat Huai Mu Home for Children with Special Needs in Ratchaburi.
Asst. Prof. Dr. Gan Chanyawudhiwan, Acting Vice-President for Academic Services, Cultural Preservation, and International Affairs, together with Asst. Prof. Witoon Wongamart, Acting Director of the Department of Corporate Communication, and Mrs. Rattip Phukkeson, Acting Director of the Department of International Affairs, led the team to make a donation of discarded lottery tickets to Wat Huai Mu Home for Children with Special Needs in Ratchaburi, which will be used to produce flowers, decorative wreaths, and other crafts. The donation was accepted by Phra Chandra Sirakorn, Abbot of Wat Huai Mu.
Wat Huai Mu Home for Children with Special Needs currently looks after 35 kids. The crafts made from lottery tickets are sold and the income is used for the center’s operation.
Under the advice of the Steering Committee for Green University Development of Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, a campaign for discarded lottery tickets donation was carried out from April-June 2022. The STOU staff and students from both main and regional campuses donated the tickets. The activity was aimed to raise awareness of sustainability and green university development among the university’s employees and students countrywide.