Asst. Prof. Dr. Gan Chanyawudhiwan, Acting President for Academic Services, Cultural Preservation, and International Affairs, together with Mrs. Rattip Phukkeson, Acting Director of the Department of International Affairs, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University (STOU), joined the Annual Conference of the Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning (ASAIHL) hosted by University of Warsaw, Poland, during 26-28 September 2022. The conference was held on the main theme “Bridges for Science and Education.”

During the trip, Dr. Gan and Mrs. Rattip made a study visit to the University of Warsaw in Warsaw and Jagiellonian University in Cracow, Poland, to learn and share experiences about the management of international collaboration and activities, to observe the operation of the universities, and to discuss the possibility to establish collaborative projects.