The Open University Malaysia (OUM) hosted the OU5 Virtual Meetings via Google Meet featuring OU5 Researchers Meeting on 21 July 2022 and OU5 Presidents Meeting on 25 July 2022.

The OU5 Virtual Meetings were organized to follow up the works under the OU5 cooperative scheme between Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University (STOU), The University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU), Universitas Terbuka (UT), Open University Malaysia (OUM) and Hanoi Open University (HOU).
The OU5 Researchers Meeting allowed the researchers from five universities to discuss the ongoing projects, which were presented in the Presidents Meeting by the representatives of each project. The OU5 Presidents Meeting also reviewed the project’s execution in the past and discussed the projects to implement in the following year.

Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University will host the next OU5 Meeting face-to-face from 29-30 November 2022 at its main campus in Nonthaburi.