The SEAMEO Regional Open Learning Center (SEAMOLEC) and Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University (STOU) co-organized workshops on Augmented Reality Development for faculty members and university staff in 2 phases:
- Introduction to 3D based Augmented Reality Learning Media conducted in online mode on 2 – 4 July 2024, and
- Augmented Reality Development conducted face to face at STOU Headquarters in Nonthaburi, Thailand, on 16 – 18 July 2024

of SEAMOLEC delivered a remark.

Acting President of STOU delivered welcoming speech.
On 16 July 2024, Dr. Yaya Sutarya, Deputy Director for Administrator of SEAMOLEC, represented SEAMOLEC in joining the opening session and delivered a remark regarding the workshop. Asst. Prof. Dr. Phanompatt Smitananda, Acting President of STOU delivered his welcoming speech to the participants and SEAMOLEC staff.
The 3-day workshop was supervised by Mr. Timbul Pardede, SEAMOLEC Training Expert, who led a trainer team including:
Mr. Aji Wicaksono, the main workshop trainer and Miss Daniah Adjani Putri, the training assistant.

The training was successful as participants were able to explain AR and its connection with 3D content-based media, understand what content should be picked from their subject materials to be made into 3D, and visualize their idea into 3D content.