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School of Nursing’s Workshop — Transforming Practice (from Clinical Setting to the Community): The Future of Nursing  

The School of Nursing, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, organized a workshop titled “Transforming Practice (from Clinical Setting to the Community): The Future of Nursing” on 26 June 2021. The training featured a special lecture by Asst. Prof. Dr. Rita Cui-Ramos, Senior Lecturer from the University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU).

The workshop was joined by both students and graduates of the Master’s degree program in Nursing. The participants enjoyed the exchange of ideas and experiences on the transformation of the practice from the clinical facility to the community. They also discussed the information communication and digital technology used in nursing practice. The School of Nursing has also benefited from the workshop. The workshop helped gathering informative ideas and concepts for the improvement of the Nursing courses, to keep up with the social changes, and to answer to the vision of the Ministry of Public Health.