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Student orientation under Academic Cooperation Project Between STOU and Central Watsan

Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University (STOU) organized a freshman orientation for the 4th batch of the Academic Cooperation Project Between STOU and Central Watsan. In this occasion, Asst. Prof. Dr. Narubodee Wathanakom, Deputy Dean of the School of Management Science, presided over the ceremony. Asst. Prof. Dr. Khajornsak Sitthi, Director of
the Office of Educational Services, delivered a welcoming speech to the executive committee of Central Watsan and students.

The project aims to promote and support the enhancement of knowledge, capabilities, and educational qualifications in business administration and management for Central Watsan’s employees. This not only benefits service operations, but also creates career advancement opportunities for studying employees and developing human resource potential, which leads to further improvement in the company’s efficiency and effectiveness.

With STOU’s distance learning education system, we facilitate employees to study while in their workforce. This educational system can benefit agencies, organizations, or establishments that recognize the importance of personnel development, which is at the heart of work development. As a result, many agencies and organizations promote and support education enrollment or establish academic cooperation with STOU to enhance and develop their human resources. Currently, the academic cooperation project between STOU and Central Watsan enrolls almost 50 students in the Bachelor of Business Administration program, majoring in Management. This student orientation is organized to provide them with knowledge and understanding of the distance learning system and various services offered by STOU.