On 20 February 2024, Asst. Prof. Dr. Gan Chanyawudhiwan, Acting Vice-President for Academic Services, Cultural Preservation, and International Affairs, and Miss Chidchanok Bangsen, International Affairs Officer, represented Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University in making donations carried out in the sustainability awareness-raising campaigns.
Reusable cloth and paper bags were donated to Pakkret 2 Hospital in Nonthaburi which was accepted by Mr. Noppadol Sahasoontornwong, Pharmacist. The patients at the hospital can use the donated bags to carry their prescribed medicine instead of using plastic bags.
Old desk calendars were delivered to the Educational Technology Center for the Blind, Foundation for the Blind in Thailand under the Royal Patronage of H.M. the Queen. The donation was accepted by Ms. Chanidapa Petchrak, the Director of the Center. The old desk calendars will be used to produce Braille-printed instructional materials for the visually impaired.
All donations are part of the sustainability awareness-raising campaigns. Those interested can contact STOU’s Department of International Affairs at 0 2504 7173 for more information.